
The Matrix of Content Marketing

A planning tool for content marketing that assists in producing a matrix of concepts for the most interesting content kinds for target audiences
In order to assist our members in auditing their content marketing assets as part of developing a content marketing strategy, we developed our Content Marketing Matrix. It can also be used to develop ideas for future content that can attract visitors, cultivate leads, promote sharing, and build backlinks for search engine optimization.

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As this Google search demonstrates, since we made it eight years ago, it has been shared numerous times and served as inspiration for numerous “mashups” in various formats. Glad to hear it’s been helpful!As a content mapping tool designed to assist you in considering two important aspects of what kinds of content will best support your target audience’s route to buy, I believe our Content Marketing Matrix is an effective tool for marketers. There are two dimensions:

1. The horizontal axis displays the awareness through to purchase conversion funnel.
2. Available forms of emotional to rational content engagement, indicated by the vertical axis
You may compare how different formats appeal to different types of consumers with how content can help the firm reach its goals using the two dimensions in this marketing matrix.

The matrix illustrates how various content assets can increase audience awareness and reach through the buying process to nurturing and inciting purchase as you read it from left to right. We can classify this as:

Top of Funnel (TOFU)
Middle of Funnel, or MOFU
Bottom of the Funnel (BOFU)At the top of the matrix is more static content that supports rational decision-making, while more visual and interactive content supports emotional buying triggers. This type of content is also known as:

Limbric brain: Your intuition or “gut”
Neocortex: The brain responsible for reasoning and communication
Check out my blog post on the Golden Circle model, which explains the what, how, and why of consumer decision-making, for further information.

I highly advise developing your content marketing strategy within a strategic marketing framework, like the RACE Framework, as this will help you integrate all of your various channels, platforms, and assets.

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